So I have had just over a week off. It was intended to be
a time for soothing and healing. I got to go hiking and be around horses with
A. We hiked to a place that has waterfalls and went swimming in one. It was
freezing and soul cleansing all at the same time. I have hung out with friends
and had dinner, or drinks, or caught a movie. I had a small close friends
gathering at a local bar (way out of Naylor and Ed’s territory), for my
birthday. I’m 35 tomorrow and almost didn’t live to see it. I’m glad I did. The
free birthday shots alone make it worth seeing. I went out to a lake and went
lake swimming with my friend and neighbor N. We were in the water a good five
minutes before he realized his phone was still in his pocket. He has been a
real rock for me thru all of this. He has been here since the beginning. His
was one of the first shoulders I cried on. He just grabbed me and let me sob on
his shoulder when I was still trying to process the rape. It must be hard for
an ex-marine to deal with all this emotion, but whenever things got rough, I
could show up crying on his doorstep and he would put a beer in my hand. If
anyone knows PTSD, and the anger associated with it, it would be an ex-marine.
He declared I needed to hit something and took me out to the batting cages. He
helped me a lot in identifying what I felt to be anger outbursts or if I was
standing up for myself. His phone lived. It actually lived. It dried out and he
charged it up and it started working. Even an ex-marine phone has to suck it
up. N has promised me a thirty second head start if we ever run into Naylor.
Thirty blissful seconds before he pulls me off and stops me. Now that’s a
There was one fight mixed in with all of this lovely down
time. It was with the witness victim’s assistance program. It is the state run
agency responsible for helping to pay my therapy costs and any other
reimbursements as a direct result of my rape. I had originally been given the
phone number of a woman that was supposed to help me from the rape clinic. She
never returned my call, except one time to ask for a case or incident number. I
gave her the two numbers I had. She left me another voice mail. The original
incident report was thru the Hollywood station, try calling them and see if
someone there can help you with the application. Click. I had to fill out the
paper work on my own. Compared to the courthouse paperwork, this seemed like a
breeze, except for the lawyer stuff. Just fill it out and send it in so we can
get you in the system, says some lady in Sacramento. Since I have insurance, I
will have to use that as the main form of payment, but they will cover my co
pay. I sent in my application with a frantic letter. I haven’t looked at it
since, but I know it was crazed. A lot of “Can I just get some help getting
some fucking therapy?” That kind of crazy.
I’m on my break, but I am still sending emails and trying
to call the DA aka Wizard of Oz who can apparently wave a magic wand and fix
these detectives once and for all. Good luck getting to them though. I receive
an email response from a lady in the DAs office. I think I am finally being
heard. I call her on the phone. “Well, have you gone up the chain of command?”
If one more person asks me that, I am going to put them on hold, get into my
car, drive to downtown, park my car in a parking garage, walk to their office,
take the elevator to the appropriate floor, walk to their office, punch them
squarely in the face, validate my own parking, and drive home. I have an entire
rape center trying to work their way up the chain of command. They train the
LAPD, and doors are being shut in their face. I am asked by them to write
certain people outlining the behavior and attitude of the detectives involved
for the center to be able to follow up on. It’s so whoever it is I am writing,
knows I am advocating for myself too in case mythical rape victims become all
to prevalent. Yes, I am working my way up the fucking chain of command. “Well,
there really isn’t anything I can do for you anyway. I’m with victim’s
assistance. We only handle the financial reimbursement and help with therapy.” Wonderful...Thanks
for the waste of my time. And they pay you for this, right? “I don’t have your
application on file, it was probably lost. Call Sacramento, and see if it’s
lost, then call me back.”
Is it really any wonder I went crazy?
“I am so tired of this fucking system”. I’m starting to
cry again. I hang up the phone on her. Then I think no, every time I hang up
the phone, they just get off the hook. I am tired of letting people float
merrily on down the river while I’m stuck in so much red tape; it’s probably
removed a couple of layers of skin, like a really bad sunburn. No more letting
them have a happy little day when I have all this to deal with. My day gets to
be screwed up, well let me share the wealth. I call her back. She answers.
“Exactly why do you think I should be calling Sacramento,
and not you, if you work in this system and know all the lingo?”, “Well, you
filled out and submitted your own application, so you will have to call and
check the status of it, then call me back.” I had to because the first lady
dumped me. She doesn’t know who I am talking about, so she would have no way of
tracking her down. Well, it’s a good thing I hang onto all this information.
She still doesn’t see any reason to call the ladies supervisor about case
dumping. “So even though you know this lady is dumping cases, you won’t do
anything to stop it?” “No. The most important thing is that you call
Sacramento, and then call me back so I can help on your application”. “I don’t
want your help” I tell her. “You don’t help, you only make things worse and
make me do the leg work. I want someone else to help me who is actually going
to do their job”. She gets in a huff and gives me a number to call to find a
local office. It’s finally the triumphant hang up on her that I originally
wanted. Yes, I have finally managed to screw up someone else’s day for once. No
merrily down the river for you. That’s right, no successful pat of your own
back. You don’t help. I will ask my therapist at the rape center. She has taken
on a lot with me as I have obviously become the difficult case. She is advocate
and therapist now. I have six precious visits with her. These are not to be
wasted as I wait for her to help me with a new chain of command. The victims
fund. She will call someone to see if she can get me an advocate in a real
office. Unfortunately, most of these people are located in police stations. I’m
not walking into a police station any time soon. It’s like being shocked with a
cattle prod every time I have walked into one and the thought of someone asking
me into a small room or thru a door already brings tears to my eyes. I start
shaking. No way in hell am I walking into a police station. And the bottom line
is, even after all of this, victims fund can still deny my application.
I did manage to get to a secretary at the DAs office. “We
can’t help you, you don’t have a case number”.
You remember earlier when I said what happens if you keep
going into shock? Well, the answer is you go numb. You really do. I think it’s
so you stop feeling shock so you can just slide more easily into angry. It also
means its slowly melting away at your processor, but I’ll get into that in a
minute. “But I have two detectives sandbagging my case” I try to explain to
her. She transfers me to an investigator, and I get hung up on.
I have found out a couple of facts from this phone call
and two precious therapy sessions. I am still listed as an incident number. An
incident is what happens when someone keys your car, or bashes in your mailbox
and you call the cops. They give you an incident report. That’s all I am. I’m
not even a real case number yet. But, every girl has to have dreams, right?
Maybe someday two blissful letters will precede all those numbers and then I
can be a real case! Oh joy!
Oh yeah, that and the detective of the case, err
incident, gets to determine the level of importance for testing
my rape kit. If
it is at the lowest level, then it just has to be tested sometime before the
statute of limitations is up. Five years. Yup, my rape kit might not even get
looked at for four years.
Remember what I said about not feeling shock anymore.
Welcome to it.
I also made a not so healthy but relative to everything
else going on, who really cares decision. I bought a twenty pound bag of gummy
bears. I have almost finished off the bag in less than a week. I am convinced
if I grab the fat around my thigh I will see the outline of all those gummy
bears. As though they have their own little tenement in my thighs. That’s
right. I have built an internal defensive wall of high fructose corn syrupy
bears to help defend me.
I think this
helped to spawn the two awesome dreams I had. The first night I dreamt Naylor
showed up at my work. We have these 80s tall looking lamps at work. The kind
with two metal rods and the white bulb holders that rotate up and down. Yeah,
those... Well, Naylor decides to walk into my work and try to talk to me. I
grab a lamp and start swinging. The first hit nails him square across his head
and nocks him down. The splatter of blood arches in the air. I keep going. I
don’t stop until his face is unrecognizable. For all he has done and put me
thru, I make sure it will have to be a cremation. His skull is concave instead of
convex. And no mortician in the world will be able to put him back together. Oh
well, I think. He’s finally dead. Nothing else to have to worry about. Then I
slowly wake up. I would have thought I would have woken up in a panic at the
thought of losing the one chance of putting him in prison, and now knowing that
would be my fate instead. Nope. Slow and relaxed and feeling peaceful. I am
realizing it was a dream, but a sweet one none the less.
The next night, I dream I had been drugged again. That Ed
was trying to break into my place as I was coming to because he is angry about
the journal. He is literally trying to bash my door in. I am groggy from the
drugs and think, “Oh God, not again, don’t let me have been drugged again”. Ed
is almost thru the door as I open a desk drawer next to my bed. In it is the
German Luger my Grandfather brought back from WWII. Just as Ed gets thru the
door, I shoot a bullet straight between his eyes. The blood gracefully
splatters on the wall and the guy behind him who takes off in pure fear and in
slow motion. No need to go after him, I think to myself. Ed was breaking in,
and all the evidence and all the law is on my side. Now get his dead body off
my floor before he bleeds everywhere. God bless the little gummy bears and the sugar
filled dreams of redemption.
Now, what I said earlier about the broken processor. I
can’t process things right. I really need people to understand, it’s not about
you, it’s about my broken processor. I watch a kid’s movie and watch a mouse
get sad and I want to punch a kid in the face for making a mouse sad. I don’t
react well to thinking something or someone who can’t defend themselves is
being hurt. I also have a hard time when people, even people I love are trying
to tell me what I should be doing, or how I should be handling things. I know
it is done out of genuine concern or love, but what seems like a simple
solution to you, is a long hallway of phone calls, paperwork, insurance and
having to tell my experience over again and all the feelings it drudges up to
me. I am in numb mode still, but I do get emotional if I feel another fight
coming on. The bottom line is, the bad guy did something bad, and the good guys
didn’t do their job in doing something about it. No matter what you say or do,
nothing but the people above them is going to change that. That’s right, it’s
scary to know the safety bubble of what you think the world should be and how
things should be is not. It’s a scary thing to do, but telling me what I should
be doing about it is more work than what my broken processor can handle and not
even for a sure bet that it will help. Making the bosses of these two
detectives listen is the sure bet. That is why I have asked that you, the
reader, call the numbers listed at the top of the blog and try to help me. It
is the reason why there is a small group of friends that form a safety bubble
around me and help me get the word out, but won’t let other people in. The
bottom line is, I’m not trying to be a jerk if I don’t accept your friend
request or acknowledge you on twitter. It’s just my processor can’t handle all
the information. People want to help, and I need that help, but only in a form
that I can handle. Support and words of encouragement is it, unless you are the
few, and the proud that are knee deep with me in this.
It is also concerning that people want to take the law
into their own hands. Friends hint at it and honestly all it does is stress me
out. You would make me waste everything that I have been thru so you can feel
some sort of satisfaction that you have now robbed me of. What I want is Naylor
in prison. If he meets a tragic end at his own doing, then that’s his own
doing. If you are my friend or a supporter, you will not take it upon yourself
to do the cops jobs for them. I will not notify the bar this happened to me at,
or post photos of Naylor on the street declaring him to be a rapist. I will not
endanger my own sliver of hope at a real investigation, and if you have any
respect for me and all that I have been thru, you won’t either. Don’t make all
that I have suffered thru obsolete. Please just don’t. Honestly, the stress of
the thought of it just melts my already broken processor. Please stop digging
around for hints or trying to solve the mystery. When the time is right and
it’s allowed, it will come to the light. Writing has become difficult as I
can’t spell a word right, and then when I go to fix it, I spell it wrong the
same way again. I don’t like that the stress of having to explain this makes
the one thing I have control over difficult, so please just let things be as
they are supposed to be, and know that you listening and hearing me is the
support I need right now.
And I don’t want to sue the LAPD. That is not even an
option for me for many reasons. Trying to take on a lawsuit with a broken
processor on top of everything else isn’t going to help my mental health at
all. Also, even if I was to sue and win and drain the city coiffeurs, who would
it really hurt? The Mayor? No, Sparks and Jenks. That’s who. Remember them? The
really good cops who went above and beyond their jobs? That is one thing I know
we have in common. The detectives have hurt them to. By being so fucked up, all
the hard work that all the good uniform cops have done in this to help, is made
obsolete by the detectives. Every uniform cop in this whole messed up situation
has done exactly what they are supposed to. Some, like I said, above and
beyond. It is these untouchables that are the problem. My therapist says I am
in fight mode, which is good compared to flee or freeze mode. Which is also odd
because most women choose freeze. I was told about one woman who had such a bad
time with the LAPD after her rape, she actually packed up and moved away. I can
sympathize with that. But I am in fight. The problem is that fight is usually
fueled by anger. By rage. I can’t let myself get stuck in fight mode and I
can’t let anger alienate the people I need. I need the help of the LAPD to put
away the bad guys. I cannot allow anger to push all of them away. I have written
letters as asked by my therapist in a matter of fact and non-emotional way.
Such as “I am not attacking you or any member of the LAPD, except for the
aforementioned, and screw them in a non-emotional and matter of fact way
because all they do is help rapists”. I would say that is pretty devoid of
emotion. Well, the best I can do anyway.
So I think that is all that I am able to process and
share in this round. I know that my therapist has told me to start thinking
about the fact I will have to pull back all the layers of crap I have had to
deal with and stir the pot to get to the rape. That it is buried deep inside of
me, but I will have to face it and flush it out. I don’t know yet if that is a
part of the journey that I am willing to share, but I don’t see why not. I have
invited you in for all of this, for better or worse. I will think about it when
my processor comes back on line. I am going back to work tomorrow and I look
forward to it. It will be good to get into a physical environment, and haul gear
around, and be around clients. I can usually compartmentalize at work, and it
is a good distraction from all of this fighting. Not that there isn’t fighting
at work, it’s just fighting in an arena that I can process. Tomorrow is also my
birthday. It will be a good day.